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1.  What is meant by support?


Support can come in many forms, either from the network itself or from the Darkcast Network family made up of other podcasts. Support might be asking a technical question and another podcaster providing an answer or a network member researching an answer for you. Support could be as simple as playing your podcast promo on another podcast from the network. Support can be, “Hey, are you having a bad day? I’m here. Let me listen. Maybe you just need to be heard." Support can be commiserating with another Darkcast show on a rating that should have been higher or celebrating a 5 star review. The word support has endless meanings to the Darkcast Executive Board. Being there for each other is ultimately what would sum it all up. You can also reach out to the founders anytime and let them know what kind of support you need.


2. What are the expectations of the podcast creators?


Darkcast Network would like the podcasts we accept to be productive. The Executive Board asks for you to release at least 2 episodes a month. If for some reason a hiatus is needed, they would appreciate knowing a week in advance, the reason and how long the hiatus is expected. Vacations, mental health days and life happens, that is understandable. However, we would still like our shows to be interactive on the socials by sharing not just their episodes but episodes by other Darkcast members.


3. What are the benefits of joining an indie podcasting network?


While Darkcast cannot speak for other networks, one huge benefit of joining this network is...the network is made for you and by indie podcasters just like you! They know what it’s like to research, write, edit, produce, release and promote their episodes all on their own. They get it. The executive board is also open to creative ideas and suggestions to make this network the best it can be. 


4. How is cross promotion handled?

Darkcast Spotlight is one way of cross promoting. It's a podcast of it's own that showcases episodes from podcasts on the network!

The Darkcast social media accounts will be posting about your shows regularly.


We share each others promos/trailers on a regular basis as well.

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